Bethany Lutheran Brethren Church

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Summer Reading - July 24

Exodus 24 & Luke 24

How has God convicted me of sin in these readings?

God has given us His holy law and as much as I want to say along with the Israelites, “all that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient,” I know I cannot.  Each day I fail Him in one manner or another.  Whether it be in my actions, my words, or my thoughts.  There is some part of me that has already failed to be obedient to God’s holy law today.  This sin is so real and so pervasive that I am often tempted to give up and believe myself a condemned sinner who has no hope of being anything but this.  And at this point Jesus convicts my soul with His words, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”  As naturally as my discouragement and doubts may be, Jesus stands against them in the starkest of terms.  He will not let me wallow in the mud of my sin and despair.  He calls me out on these things because He loves me.

How has God comforted me with grace in these readings?

Though Jesus does not hesitate to call me out in my sin, He is also quick to give words of comfort to me.  When the leaders of Israel met with God on the mountain this is recorded; “And he did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel; they beheld God, and ate and drank” (Exodus 24:11).  God’s desire is not to destroy or condemn me, but to have fellowship with me.  I deserve to be destroyed, but God instead breaks bread with me.  I deserve to be forsaken, but instead God patiently walks with me and teaches me the truth.  I am dearly loved by God who is deeply compassionate toward His people.

Where do I see Jesus in these readings?

Jesus says that all the Scripture is about Him (John 5:39).  I see the life of Jesus in Exodus 24.  As God ate and drank with the leaders of Israel, so Jesus ate and drank with the disciples at Passover.  As Moses ascended the mountain to spend time with God, Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God.  All of Scripture is telling one beautiful story about the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

How is God calling me to respond to His word today?

God is calling me to trust Him in the face of the things that discourage me.  He is calling me to not so easily be overcome with what I see, but to trust that He is greater and that He has already overcome.  He is encouraging my heart to believe!