Billy Graham
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
I was taken to a Billy Graham Crusade sometime in the mid-80’s in the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, NY. Being a young boy, I don’t remember much of anything that was said or the things that happened that night. But I do remember the sense that attending such an event was a big deal.
Billy Graham has faithfully declared the name of Jesus Christ for longer than I’ve been alive! It is hard to imagine anyone who could replace such a man as this. In fact, as I think more about it, it is hard to imagine that I will ever be even a small fraction of what this man was in his work in the Christian Church. But this thought misses the point.
The above Scripture declares the glorious truth! No man created Church. No man makes the Church grow. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that these things happen. It is to the glory of God that men, women, and children are made alive in Christ through His Word and are then empowered to declare that same word to the dead, dark world they are alive in. Today we praise You Holy Spirit because You have come on Your people in power. We praise You because You were faithful to Your promise to the early Church. We praise You that have been faithful to the Church during the lifetime of Billy Graham. We praise You because You will be faithful till the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Jesus, for the life Billy Graham. Thank You that the same Spirit that indwelt him indwells me and all believers. Thank you that the power to declare Your Name to the ends of the earth has been given to those that may never make the news! Build Your Church, Amen!